All Human beings – every one of us – has untapped, amazing potential to be
far more brilliant than we generally are.

The work of Vital Arts is about finding the pathways to set that brilliance free.

Foundational views

I fundamentally believe that there are core natural laws by which things work in this world.  We are not separate to the natural world we find ourselves in; we are, ourselves part of that wondrous natural system. Our very bodies and minds are expressions of the laws.

The expressions of natural laws can be seen everywhere, all the time, if you have the eyes to perceive them. Understandings of the laws has been a part of all great civilizations all through history, especially wherever there is bright point of great intelligence and education. Nature’s laws are expressed in every living thing, and showcased in art, poetry, literature, architecture, culture, ceremony, religion, music and of course, science.

And just like when you sail into wind or with the wind, our understanding of natural laws can enable us to step out of the line of resistance into a more power assisted position, where our personal development efforts can really amount to something great.

Where are these laws, you ask? Right nearby! Look at your hands, look at a tree, look in the sky…  And come talk with me! This is a excellent topic to spring off the diving board into a great conversation.