Welcome to Vital Arts!

Vital Arts is a Personal Development Consultancy established in 1998.

The spirit behind all the work of Vital Arts is that
We humans are unfinished works of art with unlimited and mostly undiscovered potential.
 Personal Development and Refinement, Expansion of Perception, Enhanced Versatility, Growth of Intelligence and Vitality-  are all possible.  Such development leads to better Leadership, more Ease and more Well-Being.  There is much to learn and get inspired about, much room for growth and refinement- no matter what age one is.
Most importantly, We are the artists at the canvases of our own lives. 
And the vital work of crafting that masterpiece is not yet done.

Who is behind Vital Arts?  I am Kat Patterson, the vital pulse of Vital Arts.

Since the early 1990s I have been in the discovery and practice of brilliant, effective methodologies for real personal development. It has been my joy and my job to work with people who are inspired by the rich promise of life, and to share frameworks that can provide amazing support as we set our feet on a path of personal development.

One could say that my work for nearly 30 years has been Helping People Connect to the Best of Themselves. How great is that? Best job in the world in my opinion!

Curious about what exactly I do? Well, first thing to know is that everything I do is custom designed according to need.  So if you asked me to come to work with you or your organization or school, the first thing I will do is suggest we meet for coffee to find out what you are looking for.  There is no one size fits all.  Maybe you would like some coaching, or a seminar or workshop for a group, maybe you need a keynote address to get your team inspired, maybe you want some good listening ears to help you hear yourself…

Feel free to reach out. Let’s see if sparks fly.


You can contact me at  kat@vitalarts.ca

There is more than what meets the eye; Best to connect live.